Read more about the program for adults with autism at Ramapo College here:
Highlights from New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities Seminar in Hamilton
The DDD invited families to its quarterly update meeting, in Hamilton, NJ on April 26, 2018.
Members of the public were present, concerns were raised, and discussion ensued.
The Agency organized the seminar around 7 general topics, and the detailed overview can be viewed here.
New York Metro Abilities Expo
New York Metro Abilities Expo
May 4-6, 2018
New Jersey Convention & Expo Center
Fri. 11am-5pm | Sat. 11am-5pm | Sun 11am-4pm
For more information, visit:
Phoenix Center Casino Night
Phoenix Center Casino Night
Friday, April 27, 2018
7-11 PM
Registration Link:
Identifying Critical Skills Webinar
Event Title: Identifying critical skills to promote more positive outcomes in the Transition to Adulthood for young adults with ASD
Presenter: Peter Gerhardt, Ph.D., OAR Scientific Council chairman
Date: April 3, 2018 at 2pm ET
First International Night / General Membership Meeting
Post 21 Club's first quarterly hosted International Night / General Membership meeting is happening and THE place to be, the night of March 13, 2018!
Although the event is now SOLD OUT, IT is intended to be repeated every few months so that our membership families can get together over great food and catch up with Post 21 Club's important business.
Among a handful of highlights, our website Editor, Sam Fogelgaren, will roll out our new website for lucky attendees!
Phoenix Center’s Transition Fair
New Jersey Creates Ombudsman for Disability Services
Earlier this week, Governor Chris Christie signed A-3824 into law. The law 'establishes Office of Ombudsman for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their families.'
From Lilo H. Stainton of NJ Spotlight: "Estimated to cost anywhere from $150,000 to $1.9 million annually, depending on its workload, the ombudsman and a limited staff would be responsible for helping individuals access appropriate federal, state, and local services; assisting them with communications with government agencies and dispute resolution, while serving as neutral arbitrators; identifying patterns of complaints and recommend improvements; and working with state agencies to better reach those they serve. In addition, the office would be required to report its work to state officials, the governor and the lawmaker each year."
Outgoing Governor Approves Array of Healthcare Programs - NJ Spotlight
Tax Bill Information
On December 20th, Congress passed the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017, which is expected to be signed by President Trump in the coming days. The bill will impact the funding of various aspects of disability services. Read the links below to learn more about the bill, its impact on the disability community, and the reaction of various leaders.
Disability and Disaster Response in the Age of Climate Change
Disability Community Responds to Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 Passing
34 things you need to know about the incoming tax law
Tax Bill May Threaten Disability Services
The GOP's Tax Bill Is a War On Disabled People
(The opinions expressed in the links and articles below do not reflect those of the Post21 Club, and the posting of such material does not equal support or an endorsement by Post21 Club of the views expressed)
Talk: Services on Quality Improvement through the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Bergen County Family Support Group in association with Neighbours-Inc. & Post 21 Club presents:
Services on Quality Improvement through the Division of Developmental Disabilities
Speaker: Heather Ciociola
Date: Monday, December 11th, 2017
When: From 6:30 to 8:30PM
Where: Bergen County Special Services Admin. Bldg. 540 Farview Ave Paramus, NJ 07652
Please RSVP to or
Quality Improvement at DDD: Attendees will learn about the Quality Improvement initiatives currently underway at the Division of Developmental Disabilities. We will review the Division’s Quality Measurement Framework, an example of how the framework is being applied to DDD initiatives, and other areas being explored for Quality Improvement, with the goal of improving the quality of services and supports.
Heather Ciociola, MSW, is the Director of Quality Improvement for the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities. Heather earned a BA in History from Vassar College and an MSW in Management and Policy from Rutgers University, and completed her Interdisciplinary Traineeship at The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities. In 2016, she served as National Association of Social Workers-NJ Mercer/Burlington Unit Chair and currently serves on the Advisory Council for the Certificate Program in Developmental Disabilities at the Rutgers School of Social Work Office of Continuing Education. Prior to completing her MSW, Heather built her career in the corporate sector, with particular expertise in the development of communication strategies and the use of metrics and data for improved business results.
Download the flyer for the event