Our Vision:
The Post 21 Club challenges long-held, limiting beliefs about adults on the Autism Spectrum, and believes in maximizing each individual’s potentials. Within each adult living with Autism there is an individual, with the same equally important rights, dreams, aspirations, and unique and valuable gifts to share with their communities and the world. Post 21 Club envisions an exciting new world for our population- one of empowerment and unlimited potentials! We believe that Adults with Autism have hidden strengths and fascinating personalities, and once tapped, they can enrich our world.
Our Mission:
Post 21 Club creates exciting new program choices by: providing leadership / facilitating communication between stakeholders / granting to and collaborating with innovative program providers.
Who we are /What we do:
- Post 21 Club is a families-based, 501(C)(3) NJ Nonprofit Corporation, founded in 2004.
- In a society with not enough developmental options for Adults with Autism, We are committed to creating more choices.
- We are the results-oriented Hub of Bergen County’s Adult Autism community!
- We meet regularly and review our families’ situations and identify needed supports and services.
- We seek highly-rated Program providers and collaborate with them on new Pilot Programs.
- We collaborate with like-minded State-certified service providers, in conceiving and creating an expanding range of Programs and Services; responsive to identified needs, goals, and hopes of the families in this population.
- We operate our website, which will soon employ people living with Autism in various tasks, including research, content creation, and updates.
- Our Website challenges the public to participate in exchanging ideas, concepts, discussion between individuals and families.
- Our Facebook page encourages discussion, group networking, and integration with our website via the Internet!
- We fund-raise with various programs and activities, and our website.
- We provide grants and startup funding to such Programs, which we believe have high potentials for success.
- We are expanding from our base in Bergen County, NJ, to other geographies, both by means of our website and networking connections with Providers as well as other family groups.
- We help connect potential clients from our General Membership to functioning and highly-rated Programs
- We raise awareness of what is possible for Adults with Autism.
Board of Trustees
- Lawrence Lam, President and Co-founder
- Lee Pranitis, Secretary
- Nancy Leeds, Treasurer
- Natalie Lam, Assistant Treasurer and Co-founder
- Hyun Roshandel, Trustee
- Jacki Saltzman, Trustee
Questions | Comments | Suggestions?
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